Hello All,
I hope you are enjoying this beautiful hot weather – I know I am! This term the Lambeth and Southwark team have visited 17 schools, doing around 123 school visits between us, including 54 assemblies, and 56 religious education lessons.
The ‘It’s Jesus’ assemblies continue to be a joy. I am presented with barrages of hands each time I appear in school, with children desperate to be involved! Children come and find me as school is starting to ask if I will pick them to do something. A favourite memory was a singing competition when two little children each sang ‘All Things Bright and Beautiful’ as a solo.

This term I have been running a Faith Leaders Club for the first time. Among many things, these children are involved in leading Collective Worship. So, this term we have designed little posters reminding the other children of the school’s value for the term. We looked in the Bible and found verses on Endurance and Hope. We had great fun preparing Collective Worship on the theme of Endurance using Nehemiah as our story. We built towers with Lego and had great fun acting – the enemy Sanballat was played with relish by one of the children as was the hero Nehemiah – who is determined to build the wall! Two of these children, the youngest in the group, have such good Bible knowledge.

As well as leading the Faith leaders’ group, I have been going around Lambeth and Southwark meeting some church leaders and I have been making links with other groups working in schools in the area. It was fantastic when a member of the Ascension Trust came into school with me.
We have had some fundraising activities going on too. A cake sale was a huge success and I had fun baking cakes with my daughter. Another event involved my husband and son as I am the vocalist in a small jazz band we are all a part of and we had a gig to raise money. This was also great fun and we raised over £500 pounds!

Sally has continued to lead assemblies, faith groups and lessons all over Lambeth. I went to school with her and helped thread key rings telling the Bible’s ‘Metanarrative’ (whole story) in beads! The children really picked up the idea and enjoyed it so much, saying things like ‘here’s a sad face because the people didn’t follow God’
I am sorry to say that Sally is leaving us at the end of this term. We have appreciated everything she has done and all the hard work she has put in. Her schools have been most complementary and are keen for us to continue working with them. This is where you come in - we can’t do this work without you! We need volunteers who could come into school and lead assemblies – we give full training and support and it is very rewarding.
We also need financial support and we need your prayers. Please partner with us in this vital ministry and get involved in your local schools. Pray that we get a good rest over the holidays and that people will be inspired to join us in this mission – I have several schools that will need someone to visit.
Bless you all and thank you for the support you give us - I repeat that you are vital to our ministry.
Heather Hawthorne