Volunteer with us. It’s easier than you think!
“The children's smiling faces & eagerness to engage with me & the message that God longs to share with them through me, is just the best thing ever!”
It was really amazing… Thank you for helping me get into this!
This is a recent quote from one of our WONDERFUL volunteer schools workers. Could this be you too?
The people on this mission to schools are ordinary Christians, like you and me, doing extra-ordinary things. Spinnaker will provide everything that is needed to get you there. To find out more, just fill out the form at the bottom of the page, or drop Clare an email.
If you have as little as 2 hours a week, starting with prayer, moving through to shadowing a Spinnaker team member and onto taking the children through a Spinnaker worship assembly - with resources fully prepared by the Spinnaker team - you too could become a Volunteer Schoolsworker.