Hello All,
What a wonderful start to this new year: sunshine and lots of lovely young faces with whom we can share some of the great Christian message. Our brilliant Worthing Spinnaker Team members are back in action with primary schools responding really positively to our assemblies, which is a great encouragement.
At Lyndhurst School, Kim and Heidi continue with monthly assemblies based on the school values i.e. Perseverance, Cooperation and Easter. The school are very appreciative of these and we are having fun with acting out stories such as the Hare and the Tortoise and the Enormous Turnip! We involve the pupils in helping us out with these, but Kim gets to be the poor old slow tortoise and the Turnip! We follow up these fun stories with a message from the bible such as the story of Noah building his Ark for the theme of Perseverance, and talking about the importance of the Disciples to show Cooperation.

Ditchling school is visited by Katy and Kim for assembly on a Friday morning several times a term, and the new Head has been very welcoming and supportive of our work. We are given the themes, which this term are Respect, Peace and Wisdom. Respect saw us showing the children photos of a policeman, fireman, vicar, doctor and their Head! so that we could discuss why we need to respect these people. Kim then donned her ‘respectacles’ while we talked about Jesus showing respect for Zacchaeus and how this changed Zacchaeus from being a very dishonest man. Peace led us into telling the story of Esau and Jacob making their peace with each other. For this we used animal masks for some of the pupils, plus symbols of peace: a rainbow, dove and handshake. We now look forward to explaining Wisdom.

Please continue to pray for the local schools we work with:
- Lyndhurst and Ditchling Primary - for their hardworking staff struggling with reduced budgets and pupils with so many needs.
- Wisdom for Team members as we plan assemblies that the children will listen to and respond with understanding. That we will continue to be welcomed to do assemblies and clubs in schools. For more openings in local schools where we can take part in assemblies
- More team members – we would love to welcome new members so that our work can grow.
We are really grateful for the prayer support we receive from those of you who receive our newsletters, it means a great deal to us.
Kim Woodley