Hello All,
As the 19th May was national cycle to work week, this email may seem a little late, but I would like to invite you to support Spinnaker in Eastbourne by sponsoring the Hub leader (me!) to cycle to all of my assemblies between the 12th-21st June. That’s 10 schools, 11 assemblies and 4 RE lessons - 180-200 miles as a rough guess – a typical fortnight, but with a bit more sweat!
Now, this is not exactly a Pauline Expedition into the unknown since I will be traveling in familiar territory to schools that we visit every fortnight. None the less, this is an opportunity to highlight, champion and raise support for the missional work that Spinnaker does in schools across Eastbourne.

Neither is this quite a Wesleyan Donkey Ride, especially for all you hardened cyclists out there who may be thinking: “That’s not much of a challenge!” However, I will be using my old recycled bike, salvaged from the local dump (no electric assistance) starting and ending each day, not from the office at St Wilfrid’s Church in Willingdon, but from home in Seaford.
As well as saving on travel expenses, investing in the longevity of the mission by keeping myself fit, and raising extra funds to sustain and expand schools work across Eastbourne, I would like to take this opportunity to give you a deeper insight into what we do. Therefore, follow me on Instagram to get regular updates on distance, any challenges, photos, as well as content and feedback from visits. If you would like to see the schools I will be visiting during this period, click here.
(Also look out for an upcoming Eastbourne Spinnaker Christian Schools Work Facebook page)

Spinnaker Eastbourne is dependent on the generous giving of ordinary folk, local churches and a handful of grant-making bodies. We are so grateful for the support and prayers that enable us to educate about the Christian faith and share the wonder of the person of Jesus with children and staff alike. To find out more about us, visit our website About Us | Spinnaker Trust and keep an eye out for the latest edition of Inspire with an update from yours truly.
Please use the link below to donate to this campaign and share it with your contacts
Many thanks,
Sam Oakes
PS. If I still have tread on my tires, I may even extend the cycle into July to include all 14 of the schools that we visit locally!