Hello All,
Katie, Barbara, Jo and I have had another busy term visiting schools and sharing our ‘It’s Jesus’ collective worships. We’re very thankful that so many local primary schools continue to invite us, and that we have been asked to visit a few new schools next term.
We’ve continued sharing events from Jesus’ life and his teachings. Most importantly, in the last few weeks of term, we have been sharing the events of Holy Week, using our collective worships of ‘Passion Party’ about Jesus’ entry into Jerusalem and the Last Supper, ‘Passion Pain’ about Good Friday and ‘Passion Praise’ about Easter Sunday. All three are accompanied with wonderful and thought-provoking illustrations from Sarah Horne, which I would thoroughly recommend you viewing on the Spinnaker website, or the Facebook page. The children have listened intently to the retellings of the events and engaged with the reflections.

We’ve also been invited into two schools to give lessons on different aspects of Easter, sharing why it is so important to Christians and answering the children’s questions (as best as we can!)
Please pray for all the children (and teachers) that we have met and shared the Easter message of God’s love and forgiveness.
Jo left the team at the end of February, due to change of job, but is still in touch. We thank her for all her fantastic work over the years, especially with The Highway school.
Would you like to sponsor one of our wonderful ‘It’s Jesus’ assemblies? Some are already sponsored by Orpington churches and individuals. You receive a certificate, the accompanying illustration and updates on the assembly.
See Sponsor a Spinnaker Assembly for more information.

We now have aSpinnaker Orpington Facebook page where you’ll be able to follow our adventures! Please follow us for updates.
Thank you for your support!
Caroline Rous, Orpington Hub Leader