Hello from the Spinnaker Orpington team!
This term, I have been continuing to share our ‘It’s Jesus’ series of collective worship, focussing on Jesus’ parables. So far, I’ve shared the parables of the Sower, the Lost Sheep, the Good Samaritan and the Two Builders, as always, accompanied by the fantastic illustrations specially created for the series. As Jesus knew, people love stories and the children have really enjoyed hearing them and learning from them. There is quiet as I tell the story and I can see the children listening intently. As I mentioned to the children, Jesus’ stories must be really good because we are still listening to them hundreds of years after he first told them. I hope the parables and their messages will stay with the children as much as they have with myself.
Would you like to sponsor one of our assemblies? The ones I’ve been using this term are available to sponsor, and they’re fantastic! See below for more details.

Autumn term means Harvest Festival for many schools. I was invited to lead Harvest Festivals for Crofton Infant and Junior schools, where I used the parable of the Good Samaritan to talk about being good neighbours to those in need. They had generously donated many food items for Bromley Foodbank, showing one of their school values of being neighbourly. Reverend Neil Coleman also invited me to help with Harvest at three schools close to St Barnabas Church. It was lovely to see the children participating so well and to hear and join in with the lively Harvest songs! We don’t currently visit two of the schools, so it was great to meet new contacts. Please pray for new opportunities in these schools.
I was recently invited to Gray’s Farm School to talk about being a Christian with the Year 1 classes. I talked about what I believe and showed them pictures of the church I go to and my Bibles. We talked about what we do in church and about praying. They joined in brilliantly, asking and answering questions. I finished with a retelling of the Lost Sheep, including actions they could join in with. It’s great to be able to share our faith as a visitor to the school. Please pray for more opportunities like this.
Are you interested in visiting local primary schools and sharing about Jesus? Would you like to volunteer for Spinnaker?
If you are interested or know someone who is, please email me at [email protected] to find out more, and possibly arrange a visit with me.

We love sharing what we do at Spinnaker and this term we’ve had two opportunities to do so. In September, I was invited to speak at the Thursday Club at St Barnabas Church and in October, Katie and I were invited to speak about at the Tea Room at Green Street Green Baptist Church. We talked about Spinnaker’s activities locally and shared an assembly with them – Katie presented the Lost Sheep and I shared the Parable of the Sower. We felt very welcomed and had a lovely time. If you’d like us to visit a group or church you’re involved with, please contact me.
If you are on Facebook and don’t already do so, follow our Spinnaker Orpington activities at https://www.facebook.com/spinnakerorpington
Thank you for all your support,