Phil and I have felt very privileged to be able to share, sing and pray so many good things in schools this term.
Early on, we told the story of Jesus healing the man who was lowered through the roof. The children seemed especially engaged with the story and the reflection, as we considered how to be good friends to one another, how to be brave to receive help when we need it, and how Jesus shows he always has time for us.
In another assembly, we sang 'Faith as Small as a Mustard Seed'. It was amazing, almost everyone appeared to be singing, even the adults, and two Year-4 girls were doing some actions, so I invited them to come and lead us. This gave a wonderful boost to the start of the worship, and you could have heard a pin drop in the story of the man on the mat and how Jesus wants us to carry our cares to Him. Thank you Jesus!
More recently, looking at the illustration of Jesus standing next to the lady who was being accused by the Pharisees, I asked what the picture told us. One girl in Year 3 explained that the lady felt scared because she thought she was going to be punished, but that Jesus was on her side! We talked about how, like the writing in the sand, Jesus wiped away our 'wrong things' when he died on the cross. And then, when he rose again, he made a way for us to be friends with God again. At the beginning and the end, children joined in with the song, singing 'Oh amazing grace, You took my place'. So wonderful!

Finally, I am very pleased to announce that this term we have launched a ‘Pray for Lewisham Schools’ WhatsApp group. There are approximately 86 schools in Lewisham Borough! Phil and I manage to visit 3, but I know there are many more who would welcome Spinnaker visitors in if we had a bigger team – and this is why I felt we needed a prayer group. To join, please just email me on [email protected].
Could you please join us in praying for the continuing and lasting impact of the seeds that have been sown this term? As one member of the new prayer group posted, we pray that ‘the children will wake up on Easter Sunday and be reminded of the assemblies, and Jesus’ love for them as they receive their Easter Eggs. Amen!
Thank you for reading this update and for supporting and encouraging us! We hope you have a blessed and joy-filled Easter,
Caroline & Phil