Dear friends,
It’s been another very busy term in the Lambeth and Southwark Hub. This term I decided to concentrate on assemblies and collective worship and I have been visiting 10 primary schools - 4 of those are church schools and 6 are not. I visit all of my schools fortnightly.

Some friends that are included in some Lambeth & Southwark assemblies
The children have enjoyed learning about Jesus’ baptism and temptation and the story of Blind Bartimaeus. I have shocked children by playing the kazoo (I made them jump – but of course the issue is - how do you deal with 150 children laughing their heads off?) We have had very focussed staring competitions and seen some amazing acting from children pretending to be Bartimaeus, both before and after he was healed. We have thought about how Jesus humbled himself to be baptised in preparation for his work for God, and we were amazed that Jesus was tempted just like we are sometimes. We have also learned that Jesus can heal.
I have been teaching RE in two Southwark schools. Year 2 loved learning about Jesus’ parables, and year 6 explored life’s big questions. We blew up balloons and put pennies inside them to explore gravity and we asked – ‘has science got all the answers.’ We concluded that there were some things science can’t explain. The children really enjoyed exploring these topics and I had some lovely comments – ‘I love your lessons Miss!’

I have had great fun working with a Faith Leaders Group, a group of elected children who are charged with the task of commenting on collective worship and RE on behalf of all the children in the school. They also get to help with Collective Worship. We made cut-outs of ourselves for a ‘Faith Leaders’ notice board in the school. These made the Headteacher smile, she even wants my cut-out to go on the board!! Next, we are going to interview a church leader who comes into school to lead worship.

Some work created in Faith Group
This term I have had the privilege of taking somebody to school with me who is interested in supporting Collective Worship, and it was really enjoyable to work with someone. I have also had some contact with local churches, which is also very encouraging. I had the privilege of speaking at St Stephen's; my message was based on the story of Elijah to whom God said ‘go!’ My point was that if you feel God is telling you to go into primary schools; please get in touch. If God is calling you to pray for us here in Southwark and Lambeth please pray. We need volunteers to go into schools, we need finances to support our work, we need doors to open into schools – particularly in Southwark, and we need to involve more churches with our work. Prayer is the fuel that drives the engine. ‘The prayer of a righteous person is powerful and effective’ says James. (James 5:16)
If you want to keep up to date with Lambeth and Southwark hub throughout the term then follow us on our new Facebook!
Wishing you all every blessing
Heather Hawthorne