Dear All,
What a busy term we have had! We have visited or are going to visit 19 schools between the 3 of us and we have taken part in: RE lessons, assemblies, Faith clubs and workshops. Each is a brilliant opportunity to allow children to engage with what Christians believe in the context of the RE curriculum.
This term I have been teaching RE in 4 schools, working with children from as young as 3 years old and up to 11. Schools appreciate the support we give to teachers with their lessons and teachers love the activities we bring. I have made animal puppets for Noah’s Ark and the Lost Sheep, and year 6 made fridge magnets with the Beatitudes on them.
‘I wanted to say a huge thank you… I observed a teacher you have supported, teach RE this afternoon and she did a lovely lesson. I believe she learned a lot from you which is fantastic.’
Deputy Head, a Church School in Lambeth
I have also been doing lots of assemblies or collective worship (as the church schools describe it).

I go to diverse settings like a Pupil Referral Unit and a Resource Base for Autism as well as mainstream schools. The ‘It’s Jesus’ assemblies continue to be very popular. We have stilled storms, walked on water, welcomed Jesus into Jerusalem and considered the roller coaster of emotions that is the story of the resurrection. Children love to get out of their seats - a competition with buttons, tweezers and a timer brought out the competitive spirit of some children. Schools have posted on Twitter at least twice about my Spinnaker sessions with children. The Autistic Resource Base love singing which is something I love too.
‘I Love your assemblies’
Deputy Headteacher, a Church School in Norwood
Sally continues to visit schools. She has a new support worker called Sun who helps her with preparing crafts and activities for the children. Sally does lessons, assemblies, Faith clubs and workshops. Sally has a very practical approach and provides many craft activities such as making bracelets, creating Easter gardens and making little models with clay. She also has a vast array of different costumes and props to enable children to act out stories. As you can imagine, the children really enjoy her lessons and assemblies! Sally also leads Faith clubs where children practice acting out stories for her assemblies. Both Sally and I spend lots of time preparing for all the activities we provide for different schools. Ruth continues to visit a school in Southwark.
‘Year 4 have enjoyed their morning with the Spinnaker Trust consolidating their RE learning with a workshop about promises’
Primary School near Brixton

One of the most satisfying things about the work we do is building relationships with the children. Walking through Brixton market, suddenly someone says ‘hello Miss’ - ‘she does worship at my school’ he says to his mum. We get the opportunity to meet hundreds of children and it is an honour to share with them what Christians believe about Jesus. The opportunity to return to some schools we had lost contact with has been a success story for this term.
Working in schools is a joy and we couldn’t do any of it without your support. We appreciate your prayers, and appreciate those of you who are able to provide financial support, which is always a great blessing to us as school budgets are tight and we visit for free. Moving forward, we would value your prayers for deeper relationships with local churches and that we might find volunteers to go to more schools.
As we are approach the most important time in the Church’s year, we wish you a truly blessed Easter and I leave you with the ancient Easter greeting; ‘He is risen.’
From Heather, Sally and Ruth