In our recent visits, we have shared worship assemblies about how Jesus fed everyone in a giant picnic! We start by asking what are the sorts of things ‘xxx’ school loves? The replies were funny and heart-warming, ranging from ‘food’ and ‘bed’ to ‘Jesus’ and ‘Each Other’! Considering how much it would cost to give up what we love to help others in our community, helped us understand more about what Christians believe about God’s love for us and being kind to one another. 

We have also been so blessed to be able to take some Easter assemblies, walking with the children through the dramatic and emotional events leading from the cross through to Jesus being filled again with amazing new life. At the end, as children cupped their hands in the shape of a cave, like the tomb, some chose to whisper into it things that worried them, mistakes or things they were finding hard. We closed our hands up and then prayed, asking God to take away the things we had left in the cave. We then opened our hands and prayed again: 

"With our hands empty of concerns, fill us with your hope and may our lives be full of feeling alive! Amen" 

A favourite time is when the children begin to fill the hall. Once it is nearly half full, Phil starts to play and the children are increasingly joining in. Singing 'The Story of the Cross' by The Rend Collective in our 2 Easter assemblies was wonderful. Children and adults were both singing along and I noticed many teachers smiling.  It truly felt like worship in the school hall yesterday!

Illustrations created for Spinnaker by Sarah Horne

We are amazed and blessed every time by the friendly welcome we receive from children and adults in schools. Recently, one teacher called me over to say, 'I always love your assemblies'! The RE Coordinator at the same school said to me in an email ‘Thank you for all your wonderful assemblies this term, we always love seeing you and Phil.’ And then, last week, the Headteacher from another school, over the border in Bromley, told us ‘the children get so much from your sessions.’ 

If you are interested in finding out more about Spinnaker Schoolswork in Lewisham or getting involved, I'd love to hear from you. Please email me on [email protected] or follow our Spinnaker Lewisham Instagram.

Or you may like to support us by sponsoring a Spinnaker assembly. Click the image below to find out more:

sponsor a spinnaker assembly picture and link

Thank you for reading and for any encouragement, prayer, and support.  

Caroline, Spinnaker Hub Leader for Lewisham

Spinnaker Trust Ltd - a company limited by guarantee, with charitable status. Registered Address: The Office, Christ Church Chislehurst, 40 Lubbock Road, Chislehurst BR7 5JJ Company No: 5503977. Charity No: 1111351
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